811 Before You Dig
Stratmoor Hills Water and Sanitation Districts has been enrolled in the Colorado 811 One Call Law since 2019. One call to 811 sends a message to all utilities which service your residence.
Premark your dig area.
Using white paint or white flags, mark the exact area where you plan to dig.

Make the Call
Call 811 or visit Colorado811.org at least 3 business days before you dig. Colorado 811 will notify affected utility owners of your intent to dig. Colorado 811 may also provide you with information for some utility owners for whom you will need to notify of your intent to dig. Be sure to provide access to the property, including having gates unlocked, and pets secured. If there is a problem with access, a meet request may be processed to ensure accessibility.
Wait for locates.
Utility owners have two full business days, not including the day of the request, to respond to your request for locates. Professional locators will respond within that time to mark the location of underground utilities in your dig area with flags, paint or both. We provide an email response back to the requestor upon completion of the request. Be sure to read all information provided.
Dig carefully.
Always dig with care. Utility lines are within 18 inches on either side of the mark left by utility owners and remember the marks to not indicate depth. Carefully hand dig with non-mechanized equipment around the marked areas and consider designing your project to avoid digging close to underground utilities.
Respect and protect the marks.
The marks are good while visible, or for 30 days. You must request re-marks if your locate ticket has expired, or if your marks have been destroyed.